Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina: Balanced Funding

With balanced funding, enjoy the advantages of partial self-funding, and the stability of full coverage!
Small businesses like yours traditionally had only two choices of group health insurance for your employees:
- Fully Insured – the low-risk option with predictable monthly fees; or
- Self Fund your coverage, giving you greater control at a potentially lower cost.
There is now a third option!
Benefits of Balanced Funding:
- The savings that can come from self-funding
- Predictability similar to a fully insured plan
- Money back when you have a positive claims year (as much as 67% can come back to you)
- Access to the vast Blue Cross NC provider network
- Stop-loss coverage protects you against extraordinary claims levels
- Outstanding claims processing
- Great flexibility in meeting your employees’ needs
- Mitigate your risk – you can terminate at any time without further claim liability
- More control than fully insured plans
- No deficit carry-forward
- Turn-key administration by Blue Cross NC
- Face fewer state and federal regulations and fewer ACA regulations
Talk to the experts in balanced funding at WNC Health Insurance – small business health insurance consultants since 1994. Call Now: 828-681-8223