Lost Your Job?!?
We Feel Your Pain, and We Have Good News for You!
For the first time ever, those who recently lost their job can obtain AFFORDABLE health insurance!
The recently unemployed are now eligible to apply for substantial government subsidies to help pay for their health insurance. For some families, the cost is zero. Be sure to be an educated consumer – ask us how to get a great health insurance policy for a very reasonable cost. Because they lost their job! And really good-quality health insurance at that!
Those who have been laid off recently or fired (during the past 60 days) can now avoid the double-whammy that was always in place: A drastic income cut AND two really bad choices: 1) become uninsured [no health insurance!] ~OR~ 2) pay COBRA’s gigantic premiums! Nobody can afford these rates and practically no one accepted COBRA unless they had a preexisting health condition and thus were forced to!
You no longer need to worry about bearing the full cost of the group health insurance policy (that your employer was paying half of) by way of COBRA.
You can apply for affordable subsidized health care as long as you do so within 60 days of your employment termination!
Sign up right now!!

Hurry! You have a limited time (60 days) to apply!
Call Us Now!! (828) 348-2583
Toll-Free!! (855) 395-5552
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Don’t Wait – You Only Have 60 Days!!
Don’t qualify for Special Enrollment? Click here: Free Rate Quote